Major fears for wildlife have been sparked by news that work on Canvey's long-awaited cemetery was about to begin.

Concerned nature experts were lobbying to find out if a full ecological survey had been undertaken at the Northwick Road site.

Jon Cranfield, who co-ordinates the Essex Amphibian and Reptile Group, said: "We are worried about the effect of building work there on the adders which have been seen at the site.

"The diggers could damage or kill some of the wildlife there, and disturb creatures like water voles.

"We know that the species there are very similar to those at the other Northwick Road site nearer Safeways where there is talk of a nature reserve being established, and surveys have been going on for about two years.

"We are concerned about the loss of orchids at the cemetery site which are the same as the rare ones at the other site.

"Once the cemetery is there, it will be okay for wildlife, but the problem will be while they are disturbing the ground to develop it."

Councillor Dave Blackwell, lead member for sport, leisure and conservation, said: "The areas where there might be creatures like newts are in the dykes which will be left as they are, and the areas where building would be taking place has been munched to the ground by horses.

"The worst land for wildlife is grazing land, because it has no cover, so there is no chance for anything else to grow.

"The reason the other site is so rare and has so many rare things in it, is that it is completely untouched."

Published Monday, April 28, 2003

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