Thirsty thieves with "the most amazing sense of taste" have been stealing "undrinkable" beer from a brewery.

The culprits have been climbing over the wall of a storage pen at the Crouch Vale Brewery in Red Hills Road, South Woodham Ferrers, and hauling 100kg containers full of beer dregs back with them.

Sales manager Olly Graham said: "It is the most extraordinary thing."

He explained that the brewery sells its own beer, as well as beer from other breweries.

"Occasionally with cask ale it won't go clear," he said. And when any of the beers sold at the brewery do not clear properly, or are found to have air trapped, the customers take the tipple back to Crouch Vale, where it is stored until the maker comes and collects it.

It is that beer which Mr Graham says is cloudy and tastes like vinegar - which is being stolen. It was all very strange, he added.

Published Wednesday, April 30, 2003

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