Severely disabled Lily Sanders, 13, has been given a new lease of life, thanks to a friend's gift of an electric wheelchair.

Lily was unable to go out without her mother until family friend Tara Smith raised £3,000 to get her mobile.

Personal transport - Lily Sanders enjoys her new mobility with mum Maureen and fundraiser Tara Smith, right Picture: TERENCE BUNCH

And Wickford residents got so carried away with fundraising that they collected around £7,000 - enough to buy a special adjustable bed as well.

Mum Maureen, of Ozonia Way, Wickford, said: "I can't believe so many people wanted to help."

"Lily is over the moon with her wheelchair. It has given her a lot of independence.

"She has always needed me to be out with her. Over the last couple of years, things have got worse. Last year I had to lift her and move her the whole time.

"Now she whizzes round the streets, seeing friends, going to the shops and going to school."

Published Wednesday, June 4, 2003

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