Kids can try out pond-dipping, hunt for mini-beasts and learn every Essex bug fact going at an event this month.

Children will be able to get answers to all their burning bug questions, like whether a woodlouse eats wood, whether a centipede really has one hundred legs and how a pond skater skates.

Louise Andrew, a senior ranger for Essex County Council, said: "Mini-beasts are absolutely fascinating.

"They are so small and yet have so much that is special about them.

"Come along and have fun meeting the ugly bugs."

Children will also have a chance to make their own bugs with a craft session.

The day is organised by the council and Essex Wildlife Trust and held at Thorndon Country Park North. It is running on Sunday, June 29, from 10.30am to 4pm.

Entry is £3 and can be booked by calling 01277 232944.

Published Friday, June 6, 2003

Brought to you by the Evening Echo