Weekly refuse collections may return to South Woodham Ferrers under a review currently being undertaken by the borough council.

Chelmsford Borough Council is rethinking its policy on the collection of refuse in the town, where recyclable and non-recyclable waste is collected on alternate weeks

Speaking about the borough as a whole, the council's executive member for environment, Cllr Jason Need said: "There are real concerns that fortnightly collections, especially during the hot summer months, will attract pests if bins become overfull

"We are conducting a full review of the system and will announce the results within a matter of weeks

"Obviously money is a factor in any decision, but we understand residents may not be unhappy if the service costs a little more so long as they feel that they're getting value for money from their council tax.

South Woodham residents were this week divided on the issue

"The bins both need collecting every week," said one resident, who asked not to be named.

"Because fruit and vegetable waste goes in the brown bin and sits there for up to two weeks, maggots and fruit flies end up in it.

Other householders, however, are less convinced of the need for weekly collections "I have had no problems with fortnightly collections. We use brown envelopes for waste when we're not composting, if waste is wrapped up then you don't seem to get those problems," said resident and town council chairman Ian Roberts

Published Monday, June 30, 2003

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