A thief reached a new low in street crime when he snatched a handbag from a 91 year-old woman as she sat in her mobile scooter.

The crook distracted the pensioner and then grabbed her bag at the junction of Lonsdale Road and North Avenue, Southend at 12.35pm yesterday.

He approached his victim on a red bicycle and chatted to her.

It was only after he rode off towards Westbury Road that she noticed her yellow canvas bag - containing a wallet which had photographs of sentimental value, £15, and £15 in Marks & Spencer vouchers, had disappeared from the front of her scooter.

Sgt Ian Harlow said: "There was no violence - the thief was polite but he distracted her. He asked her to help him with his bike, she said she couldn't. He continued to talk to her about other things and then rode off and then she realised what had happened."

He is described as thin, aged 20 to 30, with blond or ginger hair.

Call police on 01702 431212.

Published Wednesday November 19, 2003

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