An appeal is being made to businesses in the Chelmsford area to give their backing to the Chelmsford Crossroads charity which is facing imminent closure because of a funding crisis.

The charity, which helps more than 100 families by giving vital breaks to carers, is to shut at the end of December unless a shortfall of £45,000 is reversed.

Despite being established in the area for 21 years and being one of the Mayor of Chelmsford's official charities for this year, Chelmsford Crossroads has been hit by a dramatic fall in funding.

Carer Jackie Nichols from Chelmsford, said this week: "We are writing to all the pubs and other businesses in the area asking if they can help.

"I know from personal experience the difference that Crossroads makes to the lives of carers and I don't know what will happen without them."

Two fund-raising events are being held for the appeal. On Sunday, November 23, a football match and raffle will be held at Galleywood football pitch in Slades Lane, starting at 10.30am.

A quiz night will be held on Friday, November 28 at the Hayward School, Maltese Road, Chelmsford. Tickets can be booked by calling 01245 491348.

Published Friday November 21, 2003

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