Chelmsford Borough Council looks set to end its support for the South Woodham Ferrers Forum, but could ask the town council to take it over.

That was the decision of the borough council's executive last week after considering a report which said there appeared to have been a loss of confidence in some quarters about the forum's ability to operate effectively and cohesively.

The town council had considered the forum suffered from not having budget and decision-making powers.

South Woodham Ferrers borough councillor Maureen Moulds paid tribute to the forum's chairmanship by the Rev Paul Haworth.

"I would like to say a big 'thank you' to him because he has worked so hard," she said.

"A lot of valuable work has come from the forum, but I now feel the time is ripe for the forum to come under the umbrella of the town council"

The executive agreed to recommend to the full council that the borough council ends its support, which amounts to administrative and technical services.

It will also include Cllr Moulds' suggestion that the town council should be asked to take responsibility for the forum.

Published Friday November 21, 2003

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