A paraplegic man has been left without transport after his car became impaled on a bollard in a Southend retail park.

Car drama - Emmanuel Megafu's Cadillac got stuck on a bollard at the Southend airport retail park Picture: ROBIN WOOSEY

Emmanuel Megafu, 51, from Tankerville Drive, Leigh, drove his Cadillac to Southend Airport retail park to visit PC World.

As he turned into the park his car hit a bollard which had not been let down to allow access for shoppers and caused more than £3,000 damage to his car.

Mr Megafu, an optician who became a paraplegic after being injured in the civil war in Nigeria in 1969, said: "The bollard lifted my car in the air. It was dreadful. I thought I had hit a person.

"People working in the shops said I was the fourth person to hit the bollard that day. I had to wait for the fire brigade to get me out."

Published Monday November 24, 2003

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