Cash starved schools in Southend will soon be forking out for staff to cover duties which teachers are no longer required to do.

The Prittlewell College, has been chosen to pilot a scheme to employ minders to ensure students toe the line under a new Government workforce agreement, which relieves teachers from certain tasks.

A matron is also now on hand to dole out plasters for cut knees.

Headteacher, Maggie Sanders said: "We advertised for and employed five student supervisors and two senior student supervisors who work each day from 10am to 2pm.

"They supervise break times and lunch times and check the facilities. They walk round and make sure children are in lessons."

One grandparent who did not wish to be named said: "They are like bouncers. I am told they are able to search children, but I don't think they should be able to do that."

But Ms Sanders said: "They do not search students. If there was a problem they would take the name of the student from the swipe cards they all carry and pass it to a learning co-ordinator.

"In the past teachers have had to carry out these duties but this frees them up to teach. It is more costly but we don't have much choice. We are required to implement this."

Published Tuesday November 25, 2003

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