Pupils as young as 12 are to be warned about the dangers of date-rape drugs.

It is part of a new police and council-backed initiative to raise awareness of the dangers of drink-spiking in clubs and pubs.

The use of drugs like GHB, also known as liquid ecstasy, and the so-called date-rape drug Rohypnol, is the fastest-growing crime against women in Britain.

Tendring licensing officer Dave Appleby said no cases had been officially reported in the Tendring district.

But he added: "My own view is it will be a growing problem. The potential risk is colossal."

In analysed tests of 200 drinks at a Chelmsford club last month, five per cent had been spiked.

Pupils aged between 12 and 14 at Tendring Technology College's junior site, at Thorpe, will be the first to be offered advice on the dangers next month.

Published Friday November 28, 2003

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