Jubilant residents were today celebrating a High Court victory in a long-running planning dispute.

Denis Saunders won his case against Tendring Council, yesterday, over its decision to allow a housing estate to be built in Parkeston.

He took the council to the Royal Courts of Justice on behalf of furious residents, who opposed the development of the former brickyard at the end of Una Road.

A member of Parkeston Environmental Group (Peg), Mr Saunders challenged the legality of the council's decision to permit 77 new homes to be built on the brownfield site.

Mr Justice Sullivan ruled yesterday that Tendring Council was wrong to give the go-ahead for the housing estate.

Dave Kirkman, Peg chairman, said he was delighted with the result.

Mike Page, public relations manager for Tendring Council, said: "We are studying the judgment very closely. If there are any lessons to be learnt, you can be sure that they will be taken to heart."

Published Friday November 28, 2003

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