Innovative measures being taken by Maldon and South Chelmsford Primary Care Trust to help prevent falls among the elderly have attracted widespread attention.

The PCT's Falls Prevention Co-ordinator, James Mihill, has been approached by North Manchester PCT and the North East London Mental Health NHS Trust with a view to him sharing Maldon and South Chelmsford's experience and expertise.

"We recognise it as a very major issue and for the past couple of years have been instigating a range of measures designed to counter the problem," said James.

"Most falls do not result in serious injury but can cause other problems for the individual such as pressure-related injury, infection, increased fear of falling and an increase in dependency.

"I am working closely with the new assessment and rehabilitation unit at St Peter's Hospital in Maldon to ensure we maximise opportunities to offer older people appropriate advice and exercise in falls prevention. Exercise and keeping active are the key components to reducing the risk of someone falling."

Among the initiatives underway are a seated exercise classes, the Falls Stop exercise programme, Taoist Tai Chi classes Fitness and Balance ((FAB) classes which are held at Blackwater Leisure Centre and the Dengie Sports Centre and The FitSteps programme of guided walks

The PCT has also initiated the introduction of hip protectors in residential homes and is working closely with local community and voluntary organisation to increase awareness in the community.

Published Wednesday December 17, 2003

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