The first 'good conduct' contracts have been signed by youths in South Woodham in a bid to stamp out vandalism and yobbish behaviour in the town

The Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (known as ABCs) are being used by police for the first time in a bid to curb the town's most badly behaved youths.

Two of the contracts have already been completed, with another eight youths, all aged between 12 and 16, to be called into the station soon.

The voluntary contracts are designed to target specific behaviours, said Insp Chris White, of Woodham police, and can include curfews and agreements to stay away from certain places.

They can also ban a person from mixing with certain individuals.

It is hoped that the new move will help stamp out vandalism and yobbish behaviour in the town, the so-called quality of life issues which Insp White said concerns residents most.

He said: "We have identified 10 youths, whom we consider to be the main ones always getting into trouble, causing disorder and nuisance and criminal damage in the town centre.

"The families are being sent letters, inviting them to bring their children down to the station to do the contract. If they behave themselves, then they eventually drop off the radar."

Published Friday March 5, 2004

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