A family dubbed "the neighbours from hell" have been thrown out of their Braintree council home.

Tina Brown and her four children were evicted from their Bartram Avenue home this week, following a long-running catalogue of complaints against the family.

The bailiff was sent in following court action by the council to get the family out after all other attempts to solve the problems had failed.

The move marked the end of a "nightmare" for neighbours Paul and Debbie Weston who claimed they had suffered 10 months of hell since moving in next door.

"Although I feel sorry for the children it is the end of a nightmare for us," said 41-year-old Mr Weston, who is disabled.

"We have been like prisoners in our own home." Mrs Weston, 31, said: "I am just relieved it's over.

The couple claimed they had suffered relentless noise and disturbance from loud music late at night, shouting and screaming, abusive language and banging on the walls.

Complaints clocked up against the family by the council alleged criminal damage, unruly behaviour, workmen being pelted with stones, property being set on fire, and undesirable people visiting the house.

Mrs Brown and her children, aged from four to 16, had lived in the property for 12 years. She declined to comment as helped by family members they moved the last of their possessions out before the bailiff arrived.

Following the eviction the family could now face a two-year ban from the council's housing register. The council is not legally obliged to find them alternative accommodation because the family has been deemed to have made itself intentionally homeless through their behaviour.

Brenda Sipple from the council's legal services department said: "This had gone on so long it was time people in Bartram Avenue had some rest from the family's unruly behaviour."

Published Friday March 5, 2004

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