Budding young engineers are being invited to join a local institute where they will have a chance to pick up valuable experience in the profession.

The southern centre of the Institute of Vehicle Engineers and SAE:UK (Society of Automotive Engineers) is encouraging new members to join the group which is open to all engineers and students who can look forward to a trip to the Lotus car factory in Norfolk which is its next event.

Institute secretary, Tony Jowers, said: "For students looking to go into engineering the group is a brilliant way for them to gain experience and make contacts which will help them find employment.

"We have regular meetings where we discuss all the latest developments and happenings in the world of engineering which our members find interesting and I'm sure new people who come with find them enjoyable and useful."

The Institute of Vehicle Engineers and SAE:UK is the oldest institute solely concerned with the automotive industry.

For more information call Mr Jowers on 01268 405575 or chairman Steve Dewison on 0870 873 2030.

Published Tuesday April 6, 2004

Brought to you by the Brentwood Gazette