Firefighters today launched a rescue operation after a dog became stuck 5ft below ground in a badger's hole.

Dug out - pet Jack Russell Sid, safe and sound after his ordeal, with Chris Davidson, 16, and firefighter Mark Eaglestone Picture: ROB BROWNE

Two-year-old Jack Russell Sid chased a fox as 16-year-old Chris Davidson took him on his evening walk.

Sid, who lives with his owners in Westwood Gardens, Hadleigh, disappeared in the woods, so Chris went back to get family help.

Sister Claire, 18, said: "After two hours we heard whimpering noises and realised Sid was stuck down a deep badger hole."

The frantic owners called in the fire brigade. Firefighter Paul Champ said: "We got out our spades and started digging. It took about an hour to get him out."

Published Thursday April 8, 2004

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