Up to 70 teenage tearaways from rival gangs are terrorising residents and business owners in a turf war for Hawkell, a councillor has claimed.

Plea - Myra in front of a smashed bus stop Picture: ANNA LUKALA

A 9pm curfew to tackle the gangs is now being considered by police to stop spiralling youth crime in Hawkwell and neighbouring Hockley.

Parish councillor Myra Weir, of Glenwood Avenue, Hawkwell, claims parents even drop their children off at the meeting point near Main Road shopping parade.

Mrs Weir has backed calls for a crisis meeting between politicians, police and villagers, to stop the gangs, thought to be called the Hockley Crew and the Rochford Crew.

Mrs Weir said: "You get about 30-odd children in one group and another 30 in another group round the corner. The worst thing is the parents actually drive them there and pick them up. It's spoiling the area."

Published Wednesday April 14, 2004

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