Police in Essex have been "horrified" by the irresponsible actions of some motorcyclists they have witnessed during covert safety operations.

Some bikers have been accused of turning the county's road network into "their own personal speed track" with speeds in excess of 100mph being observed.

Traffic officers are concerned the number of accidents involving motorbikes will increase over the summer as more people start riding their bikes.

So far there have been seven bikers killed in Essex in 2004.

To try to prevent further deaths and clamp down on bikers who are riding too quickly, traffic police have been carrying out covert and overt operations using mobile speed cameras.

A police spokesman said: "Recent covert operations in Burnham and Clacton have shown motorcyclists have no regard whatsoever for other road users, with their stunts and speeds horrifying officers who have been manning the cameras.

"One motorcyclist was recorded travelling at a speed of 108mph on a derestricted road proving that a mindless section still choose to use the county's roads as their own personal speed track."

Published Tuesday May 25, 2004

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