Major support has been secured for the future of Maldon district's older generation.

Maldon District Council has launched a radical new strategy, its first ever for older residents of the Maldon district, to make the lives of older people living in the area easier and more comfortable.

Aims of the action plan include developing 'befriending' services for lonely elderly people, ensuring they receive affordable and accessible transport, ensuring there is sufficient suitable accomodation to meet their needs and continuing to provide opportunities to improve their general health and well-being.

At last night's district council community services committee meeting the Older Persons' Strategy 2004 07 'Back to the Sixties' was given full support by members.

The chairman of the committee Julia Peel, was unable to attend the meeting but submitted a full report.

It read: "Although in national terms this district is considered to be fairly affluent within it there are hidden pockets of deprivation. Due to its rural nature and the large geographical area covered, issues such as poor access to services and rural isolation do occur and it is important that we remember this small percentage for which life within our district can sometimes be difficult."

Published Wednesday May 26, 2004

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