A magnificent magnolia tree which graced the entrance to Witham's Bramston Sports Centre since it was built 30 years ago has been cut down.

Shocked sports centre customers were told it had to go because youngsters climbed its low branches to get on to the flat roof of the reception area and sometimes threw things down at passers-by.

One user said: "It was a beautiful tree. Everyone remarked on its huge white blossoms, almost as big as dinner plates. It seems a shame that the centre could not find some way of keeping kids off the roof.

"Surely a bit of barbed wire wound around one of the higher branches would have been enough. There's still a drainpipe if the little dears really want to get on the roof, anyway."

Witham and district councillor Phil Barlow said: "It was a very impressive tree. It brightened up what is otherwise a rather stark, flat-roofed 70s building."

Braintree District Council spokesman Chris Trim said the tree had been removed because of recurring problems with young people climbing onto the roof of the building.

Published Thursday May 27, 2004

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