A £370,000 hi-tech system to combat car park queues has been switched on.

A new electronic guidance system is now up-and-running in Chelmsford and aims to banish the sight of motorists queuing to get into the town's car parks.

Drivers will be able to get up-to-the-minute information on parking in the town from 19 signs set out along the town's main roads.

For the past month, motorists will have spotted the signs undergoing tests.

But now they will give details on the number of spaces available in the 13 car parks which have signed up to the scheme.

The borough council's cabinet member for planning and transport, Neil Gulliver, said: "These signs are an exciting development for the borough and they should really improve the traffic flow in our town."

The signs will be controlled from the Essex traffic control centre at County Hall, which is being launched next month and will monitor traffic movements across the county, detect traffic problems and even alter the timings on traffic signals to ease congestion.

Published Thursday June 17, 2004

Brought to you by the Essex Chronicle