Determined rowers braved the elements to help a Maldon club raise cash for lifeboats.

Sea battle - two teams get into close combat during the Maldon Little Ship Club's annual sponsored row. Picture: ROB SAMBROOK (40250-6)

Sailors in Maldon Little Ship Club's annual sponsored row all put on a brave front when faced with choppy waters and near-freezing temperatures, according to organiser Janice Frost.

But almost all of the 38 boats that started the race sailed past the finish line.

The event, held every year, is thought to have raised about £6,500 through sponsorship but in the last 11 years, it has made £100,000.

Heybridge Basin's regular entrants, the Basin Oars, made £2,500 on their own and showed their expertise by coming first in their category.

Mrs Frost said: "Everyone who takes part in the race does their best and all of those who came today worked so hard and were very brave to even attempt it.

"It was very cold and the wind made it very hard going so even the ones who did not finish did marvellously and raised a staggering amount of money for the RNLI."

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Wednesday, December 29, 2004

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