A former mayor fears that a build-up of rubbish will ruin the image of a shopping centre.

Waste - Dave McLeod with some of the rubbish on the lane between Woolworths and Card Corner, Dovercourt. Picture: TERRY WEEDEN 40562-3

Dave McLeod, Harwich councillor and chairman of the town's environment and highways committee, has highlighted a site in Dovercourt where the problem is worst.

He said the lane between Woolworths and Card Corner had rubbish piling up, diminishing the whole town, and putting off holidaymakers.

He felt Tendring Council was unwilling to help to tackle the issue. Mr McLeod has contacted Tendring Council but was told the authority was not obliged to clean up the lane.

Tendring Council was unavailable for comment.

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Published Friday, January 21, 2005

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