Worried residents have again drawn attention to a dangerous corner on a Colchester road.

A long-running combination of poor parking and motorists driving too fast along Speedwell Road, Old Heath, has meant frequent collisions - and residents fear a serious accident will inevitably take place.

"It's a bad bend without the fact that there are always cars parked there," said Dave Smith, chairman of the Old Heath Residents' Association. "This is a safety risk we have pointed out again and again."

The pressure eventually prompted action from the council, but residents were left disgusted after traffic-calming measures promised in summer 2003 turned out to be nothing more than writing 'slow' on the road.

"No-one takes any notice of that sign," said Mr Smith.

Beverley Gould, highways design and projects manager for Colchester Council, said all requests for traffic calming were evaluated and given priority depending on the number and seriousness of accidents.

"We have looked at this site in our last review," she said.

Published Thursday, February 3, 2005