A young mum today told how she got more than she bargained for when she sat down for a bowl of cereal - a bout of arachnophobia!

Natalie Miller, 23, had bought a box of Tesco Rice Snaps to feed her nine-month-old baby Emily, but decided to treat herself to a helping on Tuesday evening.

To her surprise, a small, white spider dropped out of the packet as she prepared to enjoy her supper sending her into shock.

Natalie, of Beech Road, Vange, explained: "I bought the Rice Snaps for Emily because she has just started eating proper food.

"I was a bit peckish, though, so I thought I would have a bowl myself, but when I poured them out this strange spider fell into the bowl.

"I am petrified of them. When I saw it I just couldn't move.

"I managed to put a glass over it, but after that I couldn't even go back into the kitchen.

"You read about these things happening in the papers, but you just don't expect them to happen to yourself."

Natalie took the spider, which was still alive, back to Pitsea's Tesco store on Wednesday.

Supermarket bosses have vowed to investigate.

A Tesco spokeswoman said: "We will be sending the spider off for testing and, of course, we will fully investigate and speak to our suppliers to find out how the spider got into the box."