A field fire has sparked fresh fears among residents over their homes.

Fears - one of the firefighters at yesterday's blaze at Middlewick Ranges in Colchester. (43533-d)

Colchester firefighters were called to put out another blaze on Middlewick Ranges yesterday afternoon.

Every time the open space catches fire, it sends residents in Speedwell Road into a panic. Their homes back on to the Army-owned area and they live in constant fear of it spreading.

One resident said: "We have been saying to the Army for years about putting a fire break in. They have said they would do it for years.

"But it's not their fault, it's the morons that light the fires. They've started up again in the last couple of weeks. To be fair to the Army, the are cutting the grass."

A fire in 1995 reached the boundaries of many homes, setting light to fences and gardens.

But an Army spokesman said the Ministry of Defence cut out a fire break and maintained it ever since meeting residents in 2003.

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Thursday, June 23, 2005

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