CONMEN claiming to be from Colchester Council are targeting residents.

The fraudsters are sending automated messages from withheld numbers to people’s phones, claiming the council could pay their bills.

Each message names the householder being called and says the council could pay bank overdrafts or loans, as well as utility bills, if they dial a number given.

Details of the calls have been provided to Colchester police and the council’s customer service centre.

Peter Carrington, community safety co-ordinator for the Safer Colchester Partnership, said: “These types of scam calls usually come from outside the UK, with the aim of getting the person to use a very expensive contact number, charged to the caller, to obtain information to steal a person’s identity or to gain personal banking information.

“This leaves the victim to sort out the mess and bad credit rating.”

Tim Young, councillor responsible for street and waste services, said: “Colchester Council would never offer such an intrusive automated service or condone its use by an external agency without the highest level of assessment and strict accountability.

“Council staff and partner agencies are available to offer debt counselling to residents and businesses, as well as practical support to tackle debt.”

He said residents could call 01206 282222 for further information.

If you have received a suspicious telephone call, or are in doubt about a call you have received, call Peter Carrington on 01206 717816 or e-mail