Yet again, Colchester Council pretends the Visual Arts Facility has no more problems and is ahead of schedule.

Unfortunately, there are unresolved problems and after the May elections you will hear of the latest cost increases.

The Mace group were the only project managers prepared to take on this failed scheme.

Their contract has no penalty clauses and they are being paid by the hour to supervise the overall project.

Colchester Council is controlling the contractors directly, so whatever goes wrong, Mace will still get paid and can blame any difficulties on the council.

No mention has been made of the sub-contractors, who have declined further work.

Even the Vaf architect, Rafael Vinoly, refuses to visit his disastrous project.

As Essex University is building its own art gallery, there seems no purpose for this white elephant.

It could never have worked as a free-entry art gallery.

Projected visitor numbers were 500,000 per year, then 250,000 per year, and I hear the latest guesstimate is 100,000 per year.

Reality will dawn eventually and I am sure some use can be made of this hideous structure.

I still feel McDonald’s should be offered the restaurant area. Then, at least, someone would come in!

Andy Hamilton
Acland Avenue