Whilst sympathising with the apprehension voiced by Mr Graham concerning the building of a new surgery in Brighton Road, Hollandon- Sea (Letters, November 6), it appears that he may have let his imagination run riot as to its impact.

Looking at the proposed plans presented by the council and primary care trust, I regret I cannot equate it to the vision of horror expressed in his letter, or by a seemingly small minority.

Except for one end, most of the park seems to remain in place, together with the car park.

The scenario of collapsing dog walkers unable to make the few extra yards to get to the remaining parkland is almost comedic.

Living within walking distance myself, I have never seen the traffic problems to which he alludes, or a surfeit of dog walkers.

Provided the health centre remains simply that, with no extra out-of-hours curricular, without wishing offence, I suggest that the needs of the many outweigh the wishes of the few.

Can he, hand on heart, suggest an offered alternative at Kennedy Way, up a steep slope in the heart of an intimidating industrial estate, with no public transport, and outside Holland, would be an acceptable option for the health and welfare needs of the many elderly and frail patients of the current Frinton Road practice?

The alternative site, opposite the current surgery at Ipswich Road, has already been ruled a non-starter.

Whilst visiting the current practice, I have never seen a particular excess of vehicles, although I am sure residents in the adjacent street will be happy to have extra access during surgery times; and, as for unruly behaviour and noise, I have yet to see the elderly patients fight anything but the surgery’s doors.

Brian Allsop
Fernwood Avenue