PEOPLE living near Colchester General Hospital have been invited to a meeting about parking problems.

Every house in Turner Road and surrounding streets has been sent an invitation by ward councillor Martin Goss, who has been trying to find a solution to problems faced by residents.

They say patients and hospital visitors are using their roads to avoid paying for parking at the hospital.

The meeting is on Monday in the primary care trust building in Turner Road.

Mr Goss said: “Because so many homes are affected, we have had to make sure the meeting is not a free-for-all.

“We cannot have people just turning up, so it is by invitation only and people have had to e-mail their response to me.

“Turner Road is not really the main concern, as you cannot really park along there, but roads such as Wryneck Close, Holly Mead Way and Beaumont Close are affected.”

He will attend the meeting with ward councillor Anne Turrell and Scott Greenhill, Lib Dem prospective Parliamentary candidate.

The meeting will also be attended by representatives from the trust, the county highways department and the hospital.