A COUNCIL’S arrangements to ensure taxpayers get value for money for resources have been criticised as “woeful”, following a new report.

But the acting chief executive of Maldon District Council, Fiona Marshall, said the “disappointing” verdict was only because standards are now tougher.

She said residents should be realistic about what the council could achieve.

The report, by the council’s auditors PKF, gives a rating of two out of four when it comes to how the authority deals with economy, efficiency and effectiveness in its use of resources.

This translates as “performing adequately”, but means the council “meets only minimum requirements”, according to the report. The auditors judged the council based on how it “manages finances, governs the business, and manages resources”.

It was given a rating of two for each section, and overall.

Although the auditors stated “adequate arrangements are in place to secure value for money” and said the result was acceptable as the new standards were tougher to achieve, councillors were still unhappy.

Bob Boyce (Con, Althorne), at a meeting of the finance and corporate services committee, called them “the woeful twos” and said they were “very disappointing”.

William Stichbury (Ind, Maldon North) asked: “How do we get it to three?”

David Sismey (Con, Great Totham) requested further information from the auditors about where, specifically, the problems were, and what the council could do to improve them.

He said this would be “the critical piece of advice we get”.

David Eagles, a partner at PKF, confirmed the council would receive more details, so it could implement better arrangements to improve value for money.

Mr Eagles added: “You all have a detailed report coming through in due course.

“The discussion can take place when the detailed report comes through.”