...I am a little confused by the letter from Barry O’Connell, who tells us he is a disability adviser, and when a blue badge is on display we have to get out of the car and go about our business.

What rubbish! There is no compulsion for a disabled person to get out of their car when the badge is on display.

Mr O’Connell tells us he has seen lots of disabled people sitting in their car.

The blue badge can apply to a passenger – the holder is not always the driver.

I often take my disabled daughter shopping. I hate shopping, so I stay in the car with the blue badge on display, and my wife or other family members take my daughter into the shop.

I am also a blue badge holder. I may want to sit in the car to relax, get my breath, as I’m an asthmatic.

I do not have to get out of my car and walk away as Mr O’Connell suggests.

He also suggests blue badge holders park in “normal”

bays, thus allowing real disabled people to park in disabled bays or close to shops, etc.

If you have a blue badge, it means you are disabled.

Why should that person have to park elsewhere?

Mr O’Connell does not seem to understand the law.

Roger Bradshaw
Bedford Road