For the first time in my adult life I am wondering if it is worth voting anymore.

Surely, if there is one thing certain from the recent elections, it is that the Labour Party has no mandate from the people to govern and a General Election should be called. However, it is also certain that this Government will ignore that fact and go blundering along.

Even more annoying is how, following the European elections, the parties campaigning for the UK getting out of Europe gained over four million votes, representing more than 25 per cent of the people who cared enough to vote, but this does not even get discussed.

If you take into account the Conservative vote, who at the very least would give us a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, this is a staggering 50 per cent – where is the discussion?

Finally, just to add insult to injury, I notice that our MEPs have got a tasty 24 per cent rise in salary. How many of you out there have negotiated that pay deal?

Peter Clark
Mario Way