There is a real and urgent need to shake up services for the elderly, but Colin Olivier is wrong to lay the blame at Essex County Council’s door (Letters, June 1).

Services for the elderly are an absolute priority for the council, it has invested 42 per cent of its budget on the elderly last year, the single largest expenditure of all its services.

However, this figure is increasing disproportionately to its income each and every year.

Despite this, the council has won the highest possible rating for its adult social care for two years running, which illustrates the council’s determination to not let budgets stand in its way.

Last year, the Conservative group at Essex County Council committed to lobby central government for urgent reform as it felt that services for the elderly are reaching a crisis point.

Furthermore, in February it committed to offering Telecare equipment and support to all Essex residents over the age of 85 and other vulnerable groups enabling them to live safely and independently in their own home.

The council does not have unlimited funds and we have to make difficult choices about how the council uses them.

Tracey Chapman
Chief Whip and Cabinet
Member for Environment &
South Street, Rochford