Dedicated Christmas Festival organisers in Walton say there will be a tree on display for their yuletide celebrations on Saturday.

Last week, the Walton Forum, which helps to organise festivities in the town, was told it could not put its 26ft Scots pine in Millennium Square, due to health and safety rules.

Tendring Council told the group the tree, which has already been imported from Scotland at a cost of £400, could not be put up unless it had a two metres by two metres, 20-ton foundation.

John Halls, of the Walton Forum, said it would have cost £1,500 to install and it was feared there would be no large Christmas tree this year.

But he said plans were being made to make sure there was a tree in Millennium Square.

“About 54 trees and lights have gone up around the town for the Christmas Festival,” he said.

“A tree will be in the main square for the festival.”

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