The plight of a lonely stowaway cat who boarded a boat from Russia has tugged at the heartstrings of Gazette readers.

The ginger tom, named Boris by carers at Colne Valley Cat Protection, is serving six months in quarantine in Stanway, Colchester, but it is hoped he will be re-homed when that comes to an end in March.

An appeal for people to come forward and visit Boris in a bid to get him used to people again has come up trumps.

Cat Protection volunteer Tanya Riley said they had been thrilled at the response, which has seen one woman already spend time with Boris and another in the pipeline.

She said they had received lots of calls, including from people interested in taking Boris home in March.

But the charity is taking it one step at a time, as it is not clear what will be the best environment for the cat.

Boris apparently got off a ship from Russia and was discovered at Wallasea Island, on the River Crouch, more than a month ago.

“We are delighted people are wanting to come and see him, but it has taken a bit of time because we did advise people have the necessary inoculations as a precaution,” Mrs Riley said.

“One of our volunteers went in to see him yesterday and he responded very well.

“He hissed a bit but let her give him a fuss and was enjoying it by the end.”

But she said they had urged caution about people wanting to take Boris home until they have got to know him well enough to be sure about where he will fit in best.

Colne Valley Cat Protection is also looking for funds for Boris, as at the moment it is footing the bill for his stay at Par Air Kennels in Stanway.

Anyone who can help can call them on 0800 9889417.