A DETERMINED band of villagers is striving to raise almost half a million pounds to build a new community centre.

The Aldham Village Hall Management Committee needs to gather £450,000 to demolish the centre at Green Lane and rebuild it.

Anne Fulcher, treasurer of the fundraising committee, said: “About 18 months ago, we realised there was a structural defect with the roof, where water had penetrated the rafters.

“The wall was leaning outwards, and the roof was liable to collapse.

“We got engineers to look at it, and they said we had to put three pillars through the hall.

“These have really impeded the space, and we’ve lost bookings from our dance and bowls groups as a result.”

She added: “The roof could fall in at any time, so it seemed more sensible to knock down the building and start again.”

Read the full story in today's Gazette