The menopause is the subject of one a series of talks being given by the experts at Colchester General Hospital.

JANE WILLIAMS spoke to Dr Caroline Marfleet, consultant in sexual and reproductive health, about the effect of the menopause.

It is something that affects the lives of most women.

Once they would put up with it, but not any longer.

Women now realise help is available for them to get through the menopause.

Dr Caroline Marfleet is one of those who promotes awareness of the condition and encourages women to seek help with problems.

She treats women with severe symptoms at the menopause clinic she runs at Colchester General Hospital, but her advice is now available to a wider audience of women at the health talk she is giving at the hospital on Wednesday.

She is hoping to dispel the misconceptions that surround the menopause.

“Women used to say that their mother and their grandmother put up with the symptoms of the menopause without help, so they could,” said Dr Marfleet.

However, she pointed out they need not put up with symptoms ranging from hot flushes, night sweats, sleeplessness, loss of confidence and loss of memory which could have a dramatic impact on their lives.

Most women would have some difficulty in coping with these symptoms at the end of their menstrual cycle when they were affected by dramatic hormonal changes.

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