A MONTHLY event run by board game enthusiasts at a popular games café is celebrating an anniversary this weekend.

Members of the Blood on the Clock Tower community group based at Dice & Slice are holding a unique first birthday meet-up on September 3.

The premise of the board game is primarily centred on two teams who try to out-wit each other through lies and deceit.

A Dice & Slice spokesman said: "Blood on the Clock Tower is a social deduction game that's played with up to 20 people.

“It's quite similar in premise to the TV show The Traitors where you are trying to find which players are evil or not.”

To commemorate the occasion, members will be introducing new custom-made scripts and characters which add even more to the experience.

The active and tightly-knit community welcomes those with even just a handful of knowledge about the game to come down and join the fun. 

To sign up visit signupgenius.com.

For more info on Dice & Slice head over to diceandaslice.co.uk.