A drink-driver was caught again by police just a fortnight after he was banned for being over the limit.

Jonathan Barker, 23, tried to run off but was stopped moments later.

Police had seen his Ford Fiesta car being pushed outside the Clacton branch of Tesco on the Brook retail park last Friday.

Barker claimed a friend wanted to buy his car and had taken it for a test drive, but it broke down.

They were trying to jump-start the Fiesta to get it going again and Barker was behind the wheel, a court heard.

"He didn't agree he was in control of the vehicle but said he had his foot on the clutch and his hand on the steering wheel," said Spencer Elliott, prosecuting.

A breath test revealed Barker, of Penfold Road, Clacton, was more than double the drink-drive limit.

He admitted drink-driving, having no insurance or MOT, and driving while disqualified after being banned earlier this month.

Georgie Prasad, mitigating, said Barker had been drinking with friends when one asked to take the car for a test drive.

"He had no intention of getting into the driver's seat but the car broke down and the others were unable to jump start it."

Miss Prasad said it was a "moment of stupidity".

"He had been drinking and didn't think straight on that occasion," she added.

Barker was banned from driving for three years and ordered to go on a scheme for drink-drivers. He must also pay £30 costs.

Chelmsford magistrates warned him: "Having done it twice within a month, if you are caught again you will go inside."