A teenager who died in a motorbike crash was almost twice the legal drink-drive limit.

Simon Cain, 17, hit a wood pole on Colchester Road, White Colne, on January 13 last year - less than a mile from his home in the same street.

He had been drinking in a pub in Earls Colne on the night of the incident.

His friend, Philip Webb, told an inquest in Chelmsford that he had asked Mr Cain not to drive his bike home several times.

"We'd all had about five or six pints and he was happy as usual," he said.

However, Mr Cain picked up his Honda to ride home.

After the crash, he was taken to Colchester General Hospital but later pronounced dead.

A post-mortem examination showed severe head injuries despite wearing a crash helmet.

Tests revealed traces of cannabis. A blood test showed 140mg of alcohol; the legal limit is 80mg.

PC Ian Donaldson, told the inquest Mr Cain had not been speeding.

Coroner Caroline Beasley-Murray recorded a verdict of accidental death.