A row over birds has forced a councillor to quit.

Mistley's parish council has been in talks to pay £24,000 to have special defences to stop swans and geese feeding at the Walls in the village.

It was quoted the figure by Essex County Council after numerous complaints from residents, who say the birds are being encouraged to stay because people keep feeding them.

At last night's parish council meeting, councillor Peter French formally resigned over the "maniac feeding of the swans".

In an e-mail to the clerk, which he asked to be read out at the meeting, Mr French said he had intended to resign at the end of the current term, but had bought it forward by one meeting.

"I have to say that recent events, particularly the maniac feeding of the swans has shown how inept the parish council can be made to appear and that has made my decision that much easier."

Mr French wished the future chairman all the best for the forthcoming years. His vacancy is due to be advertised in the coming weeks.

  • More in today's Gazette