Hundreds of Essex police officers took to the streets of London to join a protest march over pay.

An estimated 22,500 officers from across the country marched through the capital on the demonstration organised by the Police Federation, including 530 from Essex.

Officers feel they have been cheated out of money after the Government refused to backdate a pay increase agreed through independent arbitration.

Sergeant Andy Hastings, a federation representative for Essex's eastern division, said more than 100 officers from Colchester and Tendring joined in, with some taking days off to participate.

He described it as "a very dignified" protest.

"There was no chanting, just a lot of talking and joking among the officers marching and the occasional boo as we went past the Home Office," he said.

Sgt Hastings said he felt that police "have won the moral argument, if not the practical argument".

  • More in tomorrow's Gazette