GARDENING enthusiasts will not be taking part in Anglia in Bloom this year, as there are not enough volunteers.

Colchester has been entering the gardening competition since 2009, as well as Britain in Bloom, and has consistently won gold awards.

The team also organises Colchester in Bloom, an internal competition.

Due to a lack of volunteers, the team has said it will not be entering regional contests this year, but will instead focus on local ones like Colchester in Bloom.

Pam Schomberg, the chairman of Colchester in Bloom, said there is too much work involved in getting the town ready.

She said: "We are very short on helpers, we also couldn't do Colchester in Bloom last year.

"However we are doing it this year and are looking for gardens to enter.

"We really want it to do well but we are a very small group for a town of our size.

"We can only do one or the other, Anglia in Bloom or Colchester in Bloom, as we are only a voluntary group and without the powers that be it's impossible."

She said it was with great disappointment they will not be entering Anglia in Bloom this year.

She said: "Since 2009 we have consistently won gold awards, we will miss it and I am sorry we cannot do it.

"It's very important for the town."

The judging for Colchester in Bloom will be in about three weeks time.

Mrs Schomberg was given a community champion award at the RHS ceremony held in Llandudno in North Wales last year.

She said the whole team should be recognised as so much work goes into getting the town ready for competitions.

The team is also responsible for filling plants pots and holders around the town, and will continue to add a touch of colour this summer.