• Shambolic bin rules will do nothing to increase recycling

SO the erstwhile portfolio holder for waste, Dominic Graham, is heading off into the sunset of the General Election and leaving in his wake a complete shambles.

Several of your correspondents have complained they weren’t asked about whether they wanted wheelie bins.

I was asked and said no but apparently we are going to get them anyway.

The survey did not mention fortnightly collections or the three black sack restriction.

He has spent nearly £1 million of our money and for what?

Undoubtedly this will increase flytipping and leave our streets dirtier with the risk of vermin and disease.

That was the reason for the introduction of weekly collections, linked to the lifecycle of the housefly.

Mr Graham suggested we wrap everything in newspaper so he acknowledged there was an issue with maggots but didn’t acknowledge that newspaper will add weight, there will be less paper for recycling and not every one buys papers these days.

I recycle absolutely everything I can but still have three sacks a week, half with household waste and another two because I have three indoor cats.

I can take the residue to the Shrub End tip but what about people who can’t?

Are they supposed to keep cat litter for two weeks?

The landfill amount will be exactly the same, so where is the saving?

We are a university town.

I don’t believe that students will worry about increasing their recycling, but the resident population will have to suffer this madness.

I contacted our councillor Dave Harris last year about my concerns.

He said he had told Dominic Graham about these points, and more, but he was not interested.

Perhaps Paul Smith will be more interested if residents take this up with him.

Roz Downs Blackheath, Colchester

  • Blackbag disparity simply not fair

I DON’T know if the council used its brain about the recycling but it seems to me cutting costs is not going to work.

For one thing, why are some people getting wheelie bins and others not.

Those not getting them will have to pay for black sacks.

This can’t be right?

They will be paying more out on people flytipping.

I won’t but others will.

KG Mason Colne Rise, Rowhedge

  • Lib Dem candidate has got baggage

SO after stopping our black bags and giving us a second council tax increase by stealth, Dominic Graham has stepped down to stand as a Liberal Democrat candidate in the general election.

Welcome to the Harwich and North East, I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

G Miller Straight Road, Boxted

  • Are pigeons really the big problem?

SO there we have it.

After an avalanche of crippling construction, vandalism, burglary and arson, it’s pigeons that are putting off shoppers and tourists from visiting the Dovercourt.

I know Labour councillors are probably caught in the headlights of Corbyn’s collapse, but I just cannot see tourists walking among the burnt out-wreckage of cars, closed shops, and the social malaise of the area, being tethered by an invasion force of pigeons.

Sorry Dave McLeod, this is not the mother of all problems in Dovercourt.

Of course, it cannot be forgotten that the jokers in Tendring Council wantonly and ignorantly destroyed the Banksy mural of pigeons in Clacton.

This speaks volumes really.

I recall the same party calling for the culling of pigeons in Trafalgar Square when Looney Lefty Livingstone was the Mayor of London.

I am with Bob Dylan, who has always said: “Distrust of authority should be the first civic duty of all citizens.”

It will be interesting to see how many pigeons are arrested and charged with public affray from our own invisible police force.

Collin Rossini, Main Road, Dovercourt