FUNDING for a community garden has run out meaning medical experts will have to stop referring people for therapeutic placements.

The Big Garden, which occupies a former agricultural field in High Woods Country Park, Colchester, had been funded by North Essex Public Heath to the tune of £14,000 in 2008, which then rose to £22,000 in 2013.

But the project hosted by Colchester Council came to the end of its deal in April.

Previously, health professionals have been able to refer adults and children with learning disabilities or special education needs to attend weekly placements where they work alongside garden volunteers, but now no new people will be offered the chance.

However any existing referrals will still be honoured.

Last year, 50 health service users were given support from The Big Garden and the council’s portfolio holder for business, leisure and opportunities Annie Feltham (Lib Dem) said the focus of the project would switch while they attempt to source more funding, which has included a bid to the Big Lottery Fund.

She said: “Every effort is being made to secure additional funding streams from next April, to enable our work with health service users to continue.

“But in the meantime, we are focusing on increasing the number of community volunteers and we’ll have more scope to accommodate extra educational visits.”

Colchester Council will fund the project until next year with £22,000 worth of New Homes Bonus money.

The Big Garden project aims to promote health and wellbeing by producing food in a sustainable way, with a team of 35 volunteers.

People of all ages and abilities are welcomed to volunteer and produce is then shared among the gardeners.

The project has previously received a Green Flag award for innovation in conversation and heritage.

For more details on how to volunteer call 01206 855287.