A DAD will take the fight to cancer by submerging himself under water for ten hours – with just a snorkel for support.

Martin McGlown, 42, will take on his challenge in the deep end of Leisure World’s training pool from 5am to 3pm on Thursday.

As head of patient liaison at Cancer Research UK, Martin says he has seen too many people lose their lives to cancer, and hopes to raise at least £1,000 for the cause.

He said: “Too many of these lives lost have belonged to people who I’ve come to know personally through my work at Cancer Research UK over 13 years, including children who have left this world too soon.

“So I’m taking my stand in a wacky way, hoping to inspire others to Stand Up To Cancer in their own manner and help bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.”

The challenge forms part of Stand Up To Cancer, a join initiative by Cancer Research UK and Channel 4 which urges everyone to do a challenge standing up to raise money.

The campaign culminates in a TV fundraiser featuring stars from the UK and Hollywood this Friday from 7pm on Channel 4.

To sponsor Martin, visit www.justgiving.com/Martin-McGlown1

For more, see Monday's Gazette