I’m in a real turmoil. My daughter found out she was expecting a child, and revealed to mes she had slept with someone else. She has been with her partner for six years and isn’t sure who the father might be, which was why she was thinking of a termination!

She’s now acting like all is normal that her partner is the dad, but obviously he may not be.

I’ve said he has a right to be told the truth, but she won't hear of it. They are two very different looking men though so as soon as baby arrives, everyone will know, which is why she’s told me her secret. Please advise. KH 

FIONA SAYS: TRY NOT TO TAKE SIDES Whatever you think about this situation, your daughter has to make her own decision about whether or not to tell her partner.

Statistically, if she and her partner are having a regular sex life, he is more likely to be the father than someone she slept with once.

I feel her partner ought to be told but all you can really do as her mother is be there to prop her up if her partner ever does find out.