TRAFFIC in Colchester was at a standstill as road works left drivers waiting for up to an hour.

Major work is being carried out at the junction of Southway and Maldon Road and has caused major disruption in the town centre, affecting Balkerne Hill, Westway, Mersea Road and Military Road, in the direction of the town centre.

Work began this morning after Anglian Water identified a 12 inch long tear in a main pipe under the roundabout.

It is the same main which burst in November, leaving residents in Maldon Road under two feet of flood water.

Work is set to continue until early next week.

“We have had to work very quickly given the impact a complete burst would have in the area,” an Anglian Water spokesman said.

“We identified the same could happen again and immediately set about fixing it.”

The main is directly underneath the roundabout, so the inside lane has had to be completely closed.

“There is quite a deep excavation going on, which means it will take longer to repair than usual.
“We apologise for the inconvenience, but this is essential work.”

The work in Southway has been classed as emergency work, so there is no requirement for Anglian Water to get permission from Essex County Council, as the highways authority.